Relational Psychotherapy for Exploration & Growth



Mental health is beautifully complex, varied, and contextual. It looks different on everyone. 


Just like no two sunrises are the same, your mental health doesn’t look like anyone else's. Your growth is unique to you. The vital element in a truly felt sense of wellness across the spectrum is an embodied, compassionate curiosity for your thoughts, feelings, and actions.

Avoiding emotions or a gripped focus on them can lead to rigid reactivity and brittle fragility. Navigating the subtle and overt oppressive forces in daily life can cause some of our most profound suffering. In session, we will cultivate compassionate curiosity to explore issues that range from the nuances of anxiety or panic to the grip of feeling stuck or struggling with depression.  


Let’s explore.

We will make room to explore what's getting in the way of your joy, seeking to heal traumatic experiences of loss stemming from developmental, social, physical, or sexual trauma. From a strengths-based foundation, our exploration will go beyond the individual to understand how the complex intersections of gender, sexuality, race, and class shape your lived experiences, recognizing the distinct impacts of privilege and oppression on you. 

Let's experiment.

The safety we co-create for genuine understanding fosters a radical affirmation of the uniqueness of your embodied experiences. Fresh and meaningful encounters support emotional flexibility and joyful engagement of self, family, and community; we will build on opportunities to experiment that support lasting growth, generative insight, and a deep understanding of who you are and how you want to be in your world.

Let’s celebrate.

There are many ways to measure “progress.” The most reliable way to tell is when we feel better. When we can deeply enjoy our lives along with the people, experiences, and things we have in them, we can celebrate. And when we can celebrate that each person occupies a distinct and unparalleled position in life's unfolding, we flourish. When you can celebrate the full spectrum of your experience, you flourish.




Throughout my life, I have been drawn to the complex forces that shape our identities and how the understanding of ourselves shapes our relationships with the world around us.

As a cis-white woman from a working-class background with a family history of addiction, mental illness, and trauma, I explore the privileges and oppressions that shape how I am in the world to find generative ways to heal. These experiences compel me to stay humble from a beginner’s mind.

Creative practices have been a generative source of healing and have taken many forms, including painting, playing with sound, songwriting, dance, and making things. When working with people, I seek to support their generative practices, whether they walk, make bread, organize for justice, write novels, install objects in galleries, play music, play with their kids, or play games. I support any and all ways toward liberation.

Between supporting folks in their growth and making things in the studio, I can be found laughing with friends and family because connecting through laughter is a resilience/resourcing practice I take very seriously. These days, I'm also gardening. Plants are the wisest of us all. 



  • Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT#115339)

  • Master’s in Counseling Psychology, The Wright Institute

  • BFA, Interdisciplinary Studies, SFAI

  • International Studies Program Beaux-Arts de Paris


  • Healing Intergenerational Trauma w/ Efu Nyaki & Dr. Peter Levine

  • Somatic Attachment Therapy Certificate Program

  • Embodied Social Justice Certificate Program w/ Rev. angel Kyodo williams